Pet Sitter in Gmunden needed? Find one today

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€ 15 / hour

Hi, Ich spreche nur ein bissen Deutsch. Ich bin Französich, und ich lebe in Österreich von September 2020! I am an animal-lover and would enjoy taking care of your pet when you need me to. I have had …



€ 8 / hour

Hello, my name is Elisa and I've been caring for animals since I was little. I grew up on a lot of land and have had several cats, dogs, birds, reptiles and small animals throughout my life. I was a d…




DE: Hallo, Tierliebhaber und Liebhaberinnen :D Ich bin eine Schülerin, die in Gmunden/Gschwandt lebt und in den Sommerferien auf eure lieben Haustiere aufpassen kann, wenn ihr zum Beispiel in d…



€ 10 / hour

I like so much the animals for me animals is like people deserve the same realities of people,atencion , go walk with here , play with here and etc

Pet Sitter in Gmunden needed? Find one today

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