How do I quickly find suitable jobs on Tiersitter24?

Are you looking for a job as a dog, cat or pet sitter and not quite sure where to begin? Tiersitter24 has the most pet sitter vacancies throughout Austria. Read on to find out how to quickly and easily find the right pet sitter job with us.

Sign up for free


Sign up for free at Tiersitter24 and create your personal pet sitter profile. The more accurate and complete your profile, the quicker you will find a suitable pet sitter job. Remember to state your qualifications, experience and availability. You can also add certificates and references to your profile, if available.

Make sure you upload a nice profile picture. Profiles with a photo are viewed more frequently and receive more message replies than profiles without a photo. A photo makes your pet sitter profile more credible as pet owners can gain a better impression of you.


Good to know

In order to create a pet sitter profile at Tiersitter24, you must be at least 18 years old.

Notifications about new jobs


Once you have registered and completed your profile, we will notify you by e-mail of any new dog, cat or pet sitter job offers that match your profile. Because you have the best chance of getting a job if you apply for it quickly. If you do not wish to receive e-mail notifications, you can disable this function in your settings.

Find suitable pet sitter jobs


To quickly find a suitable pet sitter job, you can use the handy search and filter function at Tiersitter24. You can save interesting job offers in your favourites list and compare them later. Then apply for your dream job, adding a nice personal message for the pet owner.

Verify your profile for more job offers


Verified profiles are more likely to appeal to pet owners. You can verify your profile in minutes free of charge. All you need is a form of ID and your smartphone. Once you have successfully verified your identity, your pet sitter profile will be marked as ‘verified’.

Premium members are more successful


As a premium member, your pet sitter profile will be visibly highlighted and displayed higher up in the search results. You can also see who has visited your profile and proactively message interested pet owners. Premium membership is available for a small monthly fee – including a satisfaction guarantee.

Learn more about premium


Clarify any questions and details regarding the job

If a pet owner is interested in your application, they will send you a message. Use the message function at Tiersitter24 to clarify any questions and details regarding the pet sitter job and to share your contact data. You can also arrange an interview or trial period directly.



If you do not receive an answer to your application, it may not be your fault. The other person may not yet be a premium member and therefore cannot reply to your message. Or the job has already been assigned but not yet removed. A complete and meaningful pet sitter profile always increases your chances of a rapid response.

Complete the formalities


Have you landed your dream job as a pet sitter? Congratulations! Now discuss the conditions of your pet sitting job with your client, such as your hourly wage, working hours and the nature of your employment.

Your first step towards your pet sitting job

Tiersitter24 has the most dog, cat and pet sitter job offers throughout Austria. Take the first step and create your pet sitter profile now.