

What payment methods are available?

You can use one of the following payment methods: Credit card (Mastercard or Visa) PayPal Klarna (only for pet owners) Please note that the payment methods differ for pet owners and pet sitters as described. We only offer the payment options listed on the payment page. Payment by invo

How do I redeem a voucher?

To redeem a voucher, follow these steps: Log in to Tiersitter24. Click on Become a Premium Member. Scroll down and click on “Click here to redeem your voucher.” Enter your voucher code. Confirm by clicking “Redeem.” The voucher amount will be deducted from the total at

What is the satisfaction guarantee and when can I use it?

Tiersitter24 connects pet owners and pet sitters to easily find the perfect care for dogs, cats, and mice. Our goal is for both seekers and providers to enjoy a smooth and positive experience on our platform. That's why we have introduced the Satisfaction Guarantee, which applies to all Premium Mem

I received an email about a special promotion, but the prices are not discounted. What can I do?

Every email with a voucher promotion contains the "Redeem Discount" button.Important: You can only redeem the discount by clicking on the "Redeem Discount" button. You will then be taken directly to the payment page where you can see the price and the discount. To redeem the discount, follow these

Failed Payment

If your payment has failed or you experience any other issues with your payment, please contact our customer support directly. Our customer support team will review your case and assist you as quickly as possible.